Villu movies

Villu movies villu movies reviews

Villu is a mere remake of Abbas Mustan's super hit Hindi movie Soldier. So, there is no novelty in the theme and it is goes like this: 'A son seek revenge for his father's murder by a group of villains!' But what makes one watch the film almost for 3 hours is the ingredients and its right mixture by director Prabhu Deva

villu movies cast crew
Directed by Prabhu Deva
Produced by K. Karunamoorthy, C. Arunpandian
Written by Prabhu Deva, Shyam Geol,Sachin Bhowmick,
Starring Joseph Vijay,Nayanthara, Prakash Raj, Vadivelu, Manoj K. Jayan,
Aand Raj, Sriman, Geetha,Vaiyapuri,Dhamu,Aarthi,Raj Kapoor, Ranjitha,
Music by Devi Sri Prasad
Release date 12 January 2009

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